Dear family and friends,
During the first three months of
this year, I taught English at a Christian elementary school called Colegio HOREB in a rural region in Guatemala called the Ixil triangle. Near the end of 2011, HOREB was seriously
considering closing its doors due to dwindling support, while Tabita, the
Director of the school was growing weary with the struggle to keep them
open. She prayed for help; God answered
and continues to answer. Shortly after
earnestly praying, Tabita received an email from my parents promising her support in the upcoming year and offering for me to come teach English at her
school. Initially, the main purpose of
my trip was to gather stories of indigenous pastors, but instead I found myself
teaching English to the wonderful students at HOREB and building deep,
meaningful relationships with Tabita and the teachers working at the school. It was somewhere near the middle of my time
there that I realized God would call me back.
Three months felt painfully short, and I knew my walk with the school
and the community of Cotzal wasn’t done yet.
I worked as a missionary through
W.I.N.D. of God, a nonprofit organization co-founded by my parents. W.I.N.D. supports two indigenous pastor
training programs in the area and just this year began supporting and working
alongside HOREB. After returning from my
journey, I fulfilled my swim coaching obligations in Seattle while planning
another trip to the Ixil triangle. Since
then, many short-term teams have gone down to help the school through W.I.N.D.,
and support for the school has increased immensely. God has chosen to work through us to answer
prayer, and it is an extremely humbling experience. I plan on returning this January, spending
at least six months with the people of Cotzal building relationships and
teaching at HOREB, acting as an on-the-ground liaison and serving in
communications for W.I.N.D., and growing stronger in my personal relationship
with the Lord.
Through my role as an English
teacher at HOREB, I hope to deepen existing relationships with the students,
the teachers, and Tabita as well as establish relationships with the students’
families by visiting their homes and praying with them. As a W.I.N.D. liaison, I hope to seek out
relationships with workers from other nonprofit organizations working in the
region, with other Christian and private schools, and with pastors and church
leaders thereby helping W.I.N.D. to better understand the holistic needs of the
community. Some additional projects I
hope to undertake include: joining and
helping with short-term W.I.N.D. teams while providing logistical and
translation support; developing a record of the families of HOREB and preparing
to launch a sponsorship-type program for them; providing ongoing reports of
happenings at HOREB and in the community which will keep W.I.N.D. board members
and supporters informed and connected to the dynamics which impact its programs; providing leadership for and meeting
regularly with a potential W.I.N.D. local indigenous missionary. In my spare time I hope to trek to some
outlying villages in order to plant new relationships and assess needs in these
communities. Personally, I hope to
increase my reliance on the Lord in my daily life as I am forced out of my
comfort zone. Embracing the change of
pace and Guatemalan lifestyle will provide me with focused time spent in
prayer, discerning God’s will for my future direction and deepening my
relationship with Him.
I would love for you to join me
in this project through prayer and financial support. It is estimated that living expenses while
staying in Guatemala will be
about $400/month. Any money I raise for my trip that I do not use will go toward supporting Colegio HOREB. Thank you for
partnering with me in this outreach to the people of the Ixil Triangle. You can follow my journey on my blog:
For Him,
Jordan Rice
Donating and Praying
Your donations are tax deductible and you can donate monthly or as a one time payment:
Checks should be sent to
: W.I.N.D. of God - 259 Coyote Lane - Lopez Island, WA
You may also donate via PayPal on the W.I.N.D. website:
If you want to be included in my prayer emails, send your email address to:
We look forward to seeing you back here again!!!! When exactly are you coming in January? Hope the final plans come together smoothly for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out. Hugs from Kara, Domingo and Jaden
ReplyDeleteMy plans have changed a little bit because of some family circumstances I will likely blog about later, but I will be arriving January 14th! I am excited to see you guys and will be in touch! :)