The Principe De Paz Extension Program is for Pastors and Evangelists in the Ixil area to further their education on the Bible. There are four different levels taught, each taking a year to complete. The lowest level is the equivalent of 7th grade while the highest level is the equivalent of 10th grade. There are eight students in each class. The past Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday marked the first month of classes for this school year. Classes are held on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of each month.

On Monday, after completing my first day of school at Horeb, some of my fellow teachers were kind enough to walk me to the Principe de Paz Church. All the students were outside taking a break. I asked for Josue Rodriguez, a teacher there and somebody my dad put on my contact list. Once Josue knew who I was he was very excited and we talked. All the students gathered around asking me questions. As we walked in and classes started, I was finally able to observe this program for the first time and came away highly impressed.

The program is well organized and the students are very proud of their further education. I observed Josue´s segunadrio (8th grade) class and stood up to begin taking pictures. One of the students immediately got up and asked for me to wait until he put on his nice shirt. It is a really big deal to them that they are part of this program.

My main goal for January was just to observe the program, take pictures, and get to know the students a little bit. They had a lot of fun trying to teach me Ixil and I taught them a little English. We joked around arnd shared some laughs, but as soon as class started, they were all business. I am looking forward to returning in February to interview some of the students.
Thanks for sharing, Jordan. I was particularly touched by the story of the man who wanted you to wait to take the picture until he could put his nice shirt on. I find it moving that the students take such pride in their education and realize what an honor and opportunity it is.
ReplyDeleteNow if only I could get some of my students to see it that way...:O)