Two more weeks of teaching have passed. Teaching is getting a little easier. This week, I even randomly made up a couple songs for the kids to remember some vocabulary and they loved it. I always leave my backpack up above on the soccer court while I go down to teach. I have never had any problems with the kids getting into my stuff and they all seem to have a tremendous respect for other people's things. They can be difficult at times to teach but they are wonderful kids. There are a lot of big hearts in this group of students. I just wish the school had more resources to work with. I will write more about this later, but the school really is running on prayer. All the teachers make a tremendous sacrifice working here, as they only make $1000 per year (you read that right) while they would make $3000 per year teaching at a Government run school. The teachers do not come anywhere close to making a living teaching at that salary and they all have other jobs to supplement.
I went to a birthday party with the 6th graders and the teachers last week, which was a lot of fun.

My most favorite part of each week has been the devotion time we have on Thursdays. Last week the 5th graders led devotion. They performed a drama of the parable of the prodigal son. They drapped white sheets over themselves to look more like Israelites and they even had music from Israel blaring over the boom box, which Horeb was able to borrow from an alumni. The 5th grade teacher, Hilda, read the story of the prodigal son while the children acted it out. I think their favorite part was the party when the prodigal son returns home.
This week, the 4th graders led devotion. The girls did an interpretive dance to a Christian song and then all the fourth graders performed as a mock band. One of the little boys came up to the front and read a part of the Bible aloud from Matthew 6. Of course there was also prayer and singing.
Today, we had a field trip. We walked about a half hour to what they call "el campo." It is a huge park above the river. Cotzal is in the mountains and there is no such thing as flat land here, but there was an area here flat enough for two games of soccer simultaneously. It was a very beautiful location. The children exchanged gifts for El Dia Del Cariño (Valentines Day) and we played all day.
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