The microbus dropped me off in Cotzal. Here I was. I have been using my Saturdays as exploration days. I did not know where I was going to go today. I decided to walk down a road near Cotzal to see where it went. It ended on a main road that went toward Santa Avelina. I had already been down that way so I found another road that veered off the other direction and I walked down that road instead. I came to an intersection and I had no idea where I was. I asked a guy that happened to be there and discovered I was at the main road that would take me to Cotzal in one direction or Chajul in the other direction. I was right next to Cotzal and I had basically walked in a circle. I asked if there were any villages on the way to Chajul, and he told me there was one about 15 minutes away. That peeked my curiosity and I began walking toward Chajul.
Chajul in distance |
Batzul |
As I walked farther down the road away from
Batzmul, I noticed many locals walking the other direction. I then came across a park where a church
service had ended. They were packing up
and heading home. I talked with one of
the young men there and got the story. The
Church of God from Batzmul and the Church of God from Vitzuchuj, the other tiny
village a mile or two further along the road, meet for some services as one
church body in the park. I thought that
was absolutely beautiful.
Vitzuchuj |
After my half hour visit, I continued on my
way, the last leg of my journey to Chajul.
It was only about another thirty minutes of walking before I came to the
outskirts of Chajul. I continued up and
up (it seems all walking here is up for some reason) until I was in the main
part of Chajul. I had done it. A sense of accomplishment radiated through
me. I had only wanted to see what was a
little further down a road in Cotzal and I ended up walking clear to
“It’s a dangerous business, Jordo, going
out your door, you step out onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet,
there’s no knowing where you’ll get swept off to.” – Bilbo Baggins
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