Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.


Lesson 9: Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy

This morning I am reminded of one of my favorite all time you tube clips from Louis CK.  He was on Conan talking about how spoiled this new generation is and how we all take things for granted.  As far as I know, he is an atheist, but he shares some unbelievable truth.  No matter how many things we acquire, no matter how many opportunities we receive, we are never happy.  There is always something to complain about and always something we feel we need to strive for to fulfill our lives.  The things of this world never bring contentment, no matter how much we have.  

I had some great discussion today with a short team from the United States.  One of them posed to Domingo, born and raised in the Ixil region of Guatemala: “What are the things you noticed when you came to study in the United States for the first time?”  

Domingo replied: “Oh man, all the opportunities.  There was so much opportunity.  Also, when I ate at restaurants and people only ate a little of their food and the rest was thrown into the garbage.   This was unbelievable to me because we never had that much food. “

While it is true people in the United States do not recognize all the opportunities and abundance we have, he switched it around and said the same is true of Guatemalans.

“When I was in Canada, there was frost on the ground 7 months out of the year.  But still, there was abundance, they used that land and grew food for themselves.  In Guatemala, we can grow things 365 days out of the year, but people live in poverty and do not recognize the opportunity that is here.  This land is beautiful and can be used tourism and for so many things.  Sometimes Kara and I want to go out for a hike because the mountains are so beautiful, people here do not see that.”

Why are we never satisfied with what we have?  One of the guys said one time he pondered all day why, of all things, Adam and Eve realized they were naked after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The thing God pressed on him was the two commandments Jesus said satisfied all the law.  

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.  Love your neighbor as yourself.

In these things you do not look at yourself or your happiness but in loving God and others.  After eating the fruit, Adam and Eve realized they were naked because their focus had turned inward.  They saw themselves.  No longer did love govern their actions, but selfishness.  

What does this have to do with nobody being content with what they have?  Everything.  Just the act of seeking happiness for ourselves is a selfish ambition.  In true love, there is no self seeking.

Love does not seek its own (1 Corinthians 13:5)

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.   And we also ought to lay down our lives for our brethren. (1 John 3:16)

For whoever desires to save his live will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it (Matthew 16:25)

No matter how much we have, we will never be satisfied if we keep seeking things for ourselves.  I spend a lot of time pondering my purpose and this also is self seeking.  I want God to reveal a role for me that I will be happy in, and while this can masquerade as holiness, it is also selfish.  When I pray to the Lord about these things, the response is always something along the lines of “lay down your life.”  This includes my purpose because it is not about me.  It is about God.  It is His purpose I should be concerned about.  I could spend my whole life seeking after this purpose that would fulfill my life, and in the end accomplish nothing.  Instead, on a daily basis, I could love God.  I could love others.  This is what the He tells us to do through His word.  It is not that complicated, yet our sins of looking inward greatly distract us and lead us into confusion.

Do you seek your own happiness in this life or have you completely laid it down?  Are you truly content and thankful for what you have or do you still strive for more?  Can you pray this prayer?

Lord, we give You our lives.  Thank you for everything You have given us, yet we would leave it all to follow You.  We do not seek after our own happiness, but instead desire to love others.

Can you pray that prayer honestly?  Me neither.  Lets continue.

Lord, but You know our hearts and know we are not yet at that place.  Forgive us Lord, do not give up on us, but continue to shape us through our failures in our walk.  We are selfish to the core, rescue us from ourselves!  Teach us!  Lead us!  Lord, the world overwhelms us!   Help us not to look there for fulfillment, but to Your kingdom.  Show us how to love You.  Show us how to love others.  Thank you for all the amazing blessings you have bestowed upon us, thank you for being patient with us, and thank you forYour amazing grace.  Without You, we are nothing.  

A  Men.

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