Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.


Becoming Culturized

I am not sure, but I may have made the word culturized up.  I am used to that sort of thing by now, with the amount of words I have probably made up in Spanish this last week, they will need to create a Jordan Diccionario.  The last few days have involved getting settled into my new surroundings and preparing for my work here, which will begin in earnest starting Monday.

I have made two trips into Cotzal which is very tranquilo place compared with Nebaj.  My first day here, I met with Tabita, the director of Horeb (the school I will be teaching at).  Tabita says they had been praying for a missionary to come down and help at the school for a long time.  It is always humbling to hear that you are an answer to prayer (and a little unnerving as well).  I also met with Jacinto, who is the director of the Jorai Bible Institute.  I came by right at 12:00 which also coincides with the start of his lunch break.  He looked so tired, I did not meet with him long and let him go home for some rest.

Afterward, I walked the streets of Cotzal.  Gringos are much more of a phenomenon in this town.  Everybody stares.  Us white folk seem to accentuate the characteristics of the children.  They shy children become very shy.  The outgoing children become very outgoing.  I met some friendly, curious kids walking the streets, including soon to be students.  Today I spent time at the Bible Institute just meeting with people, sitting in on a class, and getting the feel for how Jorai runs.  I will tell their strories as time goes on.

I have also been spending time cleaning Cafe Mingo and had a nice devotion with Domingo and Kara yesterday morning.  The coffee has moved in!  I am embarassed to say, Kara had to show me how to use the coffee maker.  On my first attempt, I put the water in the wrong spot!  Coming from Starbucklandia, I never bothered to learn.  I know some of you have not been able to make fun of me for awhile, so there you go. ;)

I will begin teaching English Monday, and I have no idea how to do that, so prayer for that would be helpful.  Also, just that the Lord would continue to help me communicate, and to do so at a heart level.  Thank you all for your prayers!

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